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Pessoais Possessivos


Sujeito Objeto Adjetivo Pronomes

I Me My Mine Myself

you You Your Yours Yourself

he Him His His Himself

she Her Hers Hers Herself

it It Its Its Itself
















One One One’s ___ Oneself



sujeito de

um verbo



•objeto de

um verbo

• objeto de








• reflexivos




• Pronome indefinido (partícula se)

one must speak in a low voice in hospitals.

(Deve – se falar em voz baixa nos hospitais.)

• o possesivo de one é one’s.


One must not forget to do one’s homework.

(não se deve esquecer de fazer a tarefa.)


• Sujeito: He likes coffee.

• Objeto: Albert loves her.

Fred is talking about us.


Posição dos objetos:

I gave him a present. Ou I gave a present to him.

They bought me some books. ou

They bought some books for me.


• Adjetivo: Sally has lost her book.

•Pronome:Those book are hers. (her books)


Concordância com indefinidos

Everybody must bring his own material.

Nobody will wrute his composition in ink.

A concordância do indefinido é sempre feita através de um adjetivo ou pronome masculino e singular.

Nota: Concordam com o possuidor Of + pronome possesivo

They have seen a friend of theirs (one of their

friends). A estrutura of + pronome possesivo significa um dos...

Se um verbo tem dois objetos (direto e indireto): a) utiliza-se usualmente a estrutura verbo + objeto indireto + objeto direto; b) quando o objeto indireto for usado após o objeto direto, ele é precedido de to ou for.

I have lost a watch of mine (one of my



• Reflexivos: Paul cut himself yesterday.

• Enfatico: a) Paul cut the cake himself.

Paul himself cut the cake.

b) Paul cut the cake itself.

• Idiomático: Billy made the cake by himself. Objeto direto

Objeto indireto

Objeto direto

Objeto direto

Uso: Objeto indireto

Objeto direto

Objeto indireto

Objeto indireto

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• Reflexivo – indica que o sujeito pratica e recebe os efeitos

da ação. Neste caso o pronome vem logo após o verbo e

concorda com o sujeito.

I hurt myself in the footbal game.

Obs: Quando o sujeito for um pronome indefinido, a

concordância é sempre feita com he, 3º pessoa do singular,


Nobody hurt himself.

• Relfexivo enfatico – Enfatiza o sujeito ou o objeto da

oração. Neste caso o pronome não é parte essencial da oração

e sua posição pode variar.

She herself talked to the king. (ênfase no sujeito)

She talked to the king herself. (ênfase no sujeito)

She talked to the king himsef. (ênfase no objeto)

She talked to the king. (oração sem ênfase)

• Reflexivo idiomatico – O pronome vem precedido de by

formando uma expressão que significa “sozinho”, “sem


He lives by himself.

EXERCÍCIOS 01) Chosse the correct alternative.

A) We live near (she/her).

B) The ozone layer protects (we/us).

C) Barbara likes to walk (I/me)

D) I seldom speak to (he/him).

E) They often see (we/us) at the bus stop.

F) We always bring (them/they) to school.

G) There are some letters for (him/he) on the table.

H) Look at (she/her) when she speaks to you.

I) The director is talking to (they/them) now.

J) What do you think about (us/we)?

02) Supply the correct personal pronoun.

a) I see Mary and Jill in the park every mornig.

I see in the park every mornig.

b) Betty is talking to Bob now.

Is talking to now.

c) The ozone layer blocks ultraviolet radition and protects you

and I and all the people.

blocks ultraviolet radition and protects .

d) Don’t I leave the door open.

Don’t leave open.

e) Technology brings comfort but we have to pay a certain


brings comfort but we to pay a certain price.

f) He and you were at the zoo yesterday, weren’t you?

were at the zoo yesterday, weren’t you?

g) Mary sits between Shirley and me.

sits between

h) Shirley sits between Bob and Mary.

sits between

i) Sit in front of Suzy.

I sit in from of

J) These aerosols damage the environment.


03) check the correct alternative.

A) Why don’t you both beheave ?

a) itself b) yourselves c) himself

B) Two women spoke to the actor

a) themself b) Herself c) himself

C) We _________________ made the cake.

a) itself b)ourselves c) myself

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D) The students talked to the fireman.

a) themselves b) himself c) itself

E)We did execise by _________________________ .

a) ourselves b) itself c) themselves

04) Supply the correct reflexive pronoum.

a) Susan drinks too much. She is destroying ________ .

b) Karen and Tom walked in the park by ____________ .

c) The old man is singing to in the shower.

d) I painted the room by .

e) You must protect ______________ from the rain .

f) I have to solve this question by

g) We always wash before breakfast.

h) He has to make that decision by

i) They love to look at in the mirror.

j) The boy ____________________ treated the horse .

05) Choose the correct alternative.

a) In the future housewives are going to do all (their/theirs)

shoping through the computer.

b) Tom always types (his/hers) letters, but we never type


c) Karen and Susan are waiting for (their/theirs) parents.

d) I know (my/mine) family very well. Do you know


e) (your/yours) is an excellent car. How much did you pay

for it?

f) She always shouts at (her/hers) children.

g) Children ask (theirs/their) parents difficult questions.

h) We are thinking about (our/ours) next test. Are you

thinking about (your/yours)?

i) There are three magazines here. The first in (my/mine),

the second is (her/hers), and the is (their/theirs).

j) Give him (your/yours) address.

06) Supply the correct possesive.

a) Mary’s train is leaving at 3 o’clock, but John’s

leaving in 3 minutes.

Train is leaving at’3 o’clock, but is leaving

3 minutes.

b) My brother’s favorite fruit is apple.________favorite fruit

is apple.

c) The cats are sleeping in the dog’s house.

The cats are sleeping in house.

d) The teacher corrects the students’ compositions.

The teacher corrects compositions.

e) Mr. Allen’s computer puts him in connection with the

Internet._____________computer puts him in connection

with the Internet.

f) Francisco’s daughter reads English very well. _

Daughters reads English very well.

g) Bob and Jane’s favorute song is “New York”.

favorite songs is “New York, New York”.

h) I see Mrs. Allison’s car in front of the bus terminal every


I see car in front of the bus terminal

every morning.

i) The nurse’s room is on the second floor.

Room is on the second floor.

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j) We are waiting for the children’s letter.

We are waiting for letter.

07) Suply the correct possesive.

a) I do things you do

b) She can do homework alone. He can’t do

c) We must wash hands before


d) The boys aren’t going to clean rooms today.

e) Dr. Smith Washes car every morning.

08) Check the correct alternative.

a) Does bring books to the class?

a) he-him b) she-her

c) her-she d) she-hers

b) Do you preferer listening to records or


a) your – yours b) my – him

c) your – our d) your – mine

c) Everybody must talk to


a) ours b) mine

c) his d) him

d) Mrs. Cohen and children are

waiting for answer.

a) his – our b) their – yours

c) her – our d) her – ours



I am (I’a)

You are (you’re)

He is (he’s)

She is (she’s) It is


We are (we’re)

You are (you’re)

They are (they’re)

Negativa I am not (I’mnot)

You are not (you


He is not (he isn’t)

She ins not (she


It is not (it isn’t)

We are not (we


You are not (you


They are not (they


Interrogativa Am I?

Are you?

Is she?

Is she?

Is it?

Are we?

Are you?

Are they?


I was

You were

He was

She was

It was

We were

You were

They were

Negativa I was not (Iwasn’t)

You were not

(you weren’t)

He was not (he


She was not (she


It was not (it


We were not (we


You were not (you


They were not

(they weren’t)

Interrogativa Was I?

Were you?

Was he?

Was she?

Was it?

Were we?

Were you?

Were they?

EXERCÍCIOS 01) Complete the dialogues. Follow the example.

Peter is English. (Susan) Is Susan English, too?

No, she isn’t.

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a) He is at school. (they) , too?

No, .

b) Philip and Sheila are late. (I) , too?

Yes, .

c) that man is French. (you and your sister)


No, .

d) This cat black. (dog) . too?

Yes, .

e) The doctor is yung. (pilot) , too?

Yes, .

f) The airport is far. (theater) , too?

No, .

There is (há, existe) – usado com substantivos singular.

There are (há, existem) – usado com substantivos no


There was (havia) – usado com substantivo no singular.

There were (havia) – usado com substantivos no plural.


01) Supply there is or there are.

a) children playng ball.

b) a bus on the street.

c) there boats on the lake.

d) a boy reading under a tree.

e) policemen at the gate of the


02) Suplly there was or there were.

a) many children in the park


b) butter in the refrugerator


c) a cat in my room last night.

d) two famous artist at the hotel.

e) there apples on the table.

03)Supply the verb to be in the past.

a) This my first italian book.

b) you in Rio last February?

c) The dog in the garden na hour


d) we at john’s house last weekend?

e) you not a good student last month.


Presente Verbo Do verbo terminado em


I am working

You are working

He is working

She is working

It is working

We are working

You are working


Regra geral Os verbos não sofrem modificações ao receber a

terminação – ing.

Work – working agree – agrecing

Try – tryng ski – skiing


1) Se o verbo termina em um único e, ele perde o e, ao

receber – ing.

Love – loving have – having

Exceção: be – being

2) se o verbo termina em consoante

+vogal+consoante, dobra-se a ultima consoante acrescenta-se

- ing. Com verbos de duas ou mais silabas isso ocorre apenas

quando a silaba tônica é a ultima.

Run – running begin - beginning

Swim – swimming prefer – prefering

Obs.: die – dying tie – tying lie - lying

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1) Expressa ações que estão acontecendo na atualidade.

Our Kids are growing fast.

2) Expresa ações que estão acontecendo no exato

momento em que se fala. Neste caso, são geralmente usados

com: now, at this moment, at present.

She is cleaning house now.

3) Pode expressar ações futuras. Geralmente usado

com: next week, tomorrow,etc.

I am buying a new car nest week.


01) Choose the correct alternative.

a) The children (is/are) sleeping now. Don’t make any noise.

b) (Is/Are) it raining outside?

c) What (is/are) Marion doing in the laboratiry right now?

d) My computer (is/are) working perfectly with the new


e) Can you help me? (is/am/are) cleannig the garage.

02) Supply the present continuous of the verbs in


a) Our classes are (begin) now.

b) Look at these plants! They are (die).

c) Don’t worry about Mary. She is (have) a

good time on the farm,

d) Is your bus (leave) in the morning?

Yes, it is.

e) What are your brothers (do)? They are


03) Answer the questions. Follow the example.

What’s the secretary doing? (type a letter)

She’s typing a letter.

a) What’s the girl doing? (cry)

b) What’s the boy doing? (run in the park)

c)What are the men doing? (read)

c) What is the woman doing? (buy na ice cream)


I work

You work I work in na office. He works in an office They work in an offce. He works

She works

It works

We work

You work

They work


Regra geral

Quase todos os verbos, com exceção do to be e da

maioria dos anômalos, formam a 3ª pessoa do singular com o

acréscimo de – s.

Work – works live – lives play - plays


1) Se o verbo terminar em ss, sh, ch, x, z ou o, acrescenta-se –


Kiss – Kisses teach – teaches buzz - buzzes

Wash – washes fix – fixes do – does

2) se o vrbo terminar em y precedido de consoante, troca-se o

y por – ies.

Try – tries study – studies hurry – hurries


1) Expressa ações habitais ou que se repetem no

presente. Geralmente usado com: always, often, usualy, Infinitivo sem TO

3ª pessoa do singular recebe - S

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frequently, sometimes, never; seldom, every day, on

Monday, etc.

I always walk to school.

She seldom gets up early.

2) Pode expressar verdades universai e ações futuras


Dogs bark.

Your bus comes at 4:15

Auxiliar DO/DOES




You work

Do you work?

You do not work.

He works.

Does he work?

He does not work

Formas abreviadas: don´t (do not)

Doesn’t (does not)


• Nas formas interrogativa e negativa em que se usa o

verbo auxiliar do/does, o verbo principal fica no infinitivo,

sem to.

• Do e does não tem tradução quando funcionam como


EXERCÍCIOS 01) Chosse the correct alternative.

Jack is a very lazy boy. He never (get/ges) up early. He

always (miss/misses) the bus to school. Sometimes he (meet

/meets)his friend Fred. Fred is also a very lazy boy. When they

(meet/meets), they (walk/walks) to school. But they

(stop/stops) at the newstand first. Jack always (buy/buys) a

sport magazines and Fred. (buy/buys) a music magazine. Fred

(like/likes) heavy metal. They (read/reads) on the way to

school and often (arrive/arrives) late. When the arrive the gate

is closed and they (go/goes) back home.

02) Supply the simple present of the verbs in parentheses.

a) Birds from the north always (appear) in our

farm in summer.

b) She seldom (call) us when she

(need) help.

c) My mister (teach) Math to young


d) Peter and his friend Bob (play)

tennison Wednesday.

e) Some people never (walk) on the side

of the street.

f) I usually (wash) my clothes on

Saturday morning.

03) Write sentences. Follow the example.

Melvin – mechanic – fix – trucks – cars

Melvin is a mechanic. He fixes trucks and cars.

a) Helen – teacher – teach – portuguese – literature

b) Frank – author – write – newspaper articles – books

c) Roger – engineer – build – houses – bridges

d) Carolyn – driver drive – buses – trucks

04) Check the correct alternative.

a) The battery the necessary eletric

current to start engine.

a) provide b) provides

b) Does she you in Chicago?

a) know – live b) knows – live

c) The worlds population to increase very quichly in

the next 5 years.

a) tends b) tend

d) Urban developeds huge investiments

in housing and transportation.

a) demand b) demands

e) Temperature in recife never 7º C

a) reach b) reaches

05) Rewrite the sentences into the negative and the


a) His brothers leave for school at 7:00.



b) Dennis brings his book to school every day.



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c) She brushes her before breakfast.



d)Susan empties the trash every morning.




I am going to work

You are going to work

He is going to work

She is going to work

He is going to work

we are going to work

you are going to work

they are going to work


1) Expressa ação futura ou intenção.

I am going to swim.

We are going to get married.

2) Geralmente vem acompanhado de: tomorrow, next..., in...

She’s going to travel in March.

They are going to study tomorrow.

EXERCÍCIOS 01) Check the correct alternative.

A) Jane always to school morning.

a) are going to walk b) is going to walk

c) walks d) walk

B) They are us the story tomorrow.

a) are tell b) don’t tell

c) are to telling d) are going to tell

C) She doesn’t play tennis on Fridays,but she

next Friday.

a) is going to play b) isn’t playing

c) doesn’t play d) ins’t going to playing

D) you go to the party or not?

a) Don’t they let b) Are they going to let

c) Are they let d) Do they are going to let.

E) The teacher says he our tests this afternoon.

a) is go to correcting b) isn’t correct

c) doesn’t correcting d) is going to correct

F) We the film now, We it tomorrow.

a) don’t watch - are watching

b) aren’t watching – watch

c) aren’t watching - are going to watch

d) are going to watch – are going to watch presente do verbo TOBE + GOING + VERBO

G) What the day after tomorrow?

a) are you going b) you are doing

c) are you going to do c) do you do

02) Complete the sentences. Follow the example.

She’s studyng now, then she’s going to walk in the park. (walk

in the park)

a) He’s reading now, then (swim in the club) Afirmativa: He is going to work. Interrogativa: Is he going to work? Negativa: He is not going to work.

b)We are dancing mow, then (cat)

c) I am working now, then (sleep)

d)They are writing now, then (read)

e) We are selecting the material now, then_______ (type)

03) Suply the going to form of the verbs in parentheses.

a) The show (begin) at o’clock sharp.

b) Mr. Shaw ______________ (leave) the office after 5:00



Will + VERBO

I will work

You will work Afirmativa: He will work.

He will work Interrogativa: Will he work?

She will work Negativa: He will not work.

It will work Formas abreviadas: ‘l (will)

He will wor won’t (will not)

They will work

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1) Para expressar ação ou previsão quanto ao futuro. É usado

com advérbios ou expressões que indiquem tempo futuro:

tomorrow, next..., in July, on Moday, etc.

We will study hard next year.

2) Para dar idéia de pedido.

Will you open the door, please.


Afirmativa: He will be working.

Interrogativa: Will he be working?

Negativa: He won’t be working.


Para expressar ação que estará ocorrendo num

determinado tempo no futuro.

Tomorrow at 4 o’clock I’ll be talking to him.


Várias formas verbais podem expressar ações

ou acontecimentos futuros. Reveja-as.

• Simple future: I will leave next week.

• Going to: I am going to leave next week.

• Simple present: The train leave in 5 minutes.

• Present continuous: He is leaving tomorrow.


01) Chek the correct alternative.

A) ________ you ________ by the end of next week?

a) will – be traveling

b) will – traveling

c) will – be

B) Tomorrow at 7 o’clock l _________ tennis.

a) will be play

b) will be playing

c) won’t be play

C) They_______ to Japan tomorrow at this time.

a) will flying

b) won’t flying

c) will be flying

D) We _______to Sarah in the afternoon.

a) will meet

b) will be talking

c) will being speaking

E) Susan_______when we get there.

a) Will be studing Verbo terminado em WILL BE + -ING

b) Is studing

c) Won’t studing

F) ________Ted______next weekend?

a) will-work

b) going to-work

c) will-to work

G) She_______before 2 0’clock.

a) will not to be arriving

b) won’t arrive

c) will not to arrive

02) Supply the simple future of the verbs in parentheses.

a) We___________(meet) you by the lake.

b) The Browns_____(move) to the contry in November.

c) John________(arrive) tomorrow morning.

d) I__________(catch) the midnight train to Amsterdam

e) Cars______(be) lighter in the future.

f) Mrs. Jenkins_______(not come) for the show.

g) I________(represent) my company in the conference

h) The new project_____(begin) in March.

i) What_______you______(do) after class.

j) I am on a diet, so I ________ (not eat)any ice cream.

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Verbo Expressa É usado no Contração com






Presente futuro







condicional Couldn’t

MAY a)possibilidade





a)possibilidade mais


b)permissão mais







Na afirmativa:

a) dedução

b) obrigação

Na negativa:

c) proibição

Presente futuro





b)lembrança de um


Presente futuro Shouldn’t

oughtn’t to

NEED Necessidade Presente futuro Needn’t


Desafio Passado



USED TO Hábito passado passado Usedn’t to ou

didn’t use to


1) Can/could – podem ser substituídos por to be able to.

Presente: She can swim → She is able to swim.

Passado: She could swim → She was able to swim.

Futuro: → She will be able to swim.

2) Must – pode ser substituido por to have to.

Presente: I must study → I have to study.

Passado: → I had to study.

Futuro: I must study tomorrow → I will have to study



01) Suply to have to.

a)He _________ run very fast to cath the bus yesterday.

b)Lucy is sick. She_________ go to the doctor.

c)It’s raining. We _________ put on our raicoats.

d)I can’t see you next week. I_______ go to my aunt’s.

e)Mother was out last night. Father _______ cook our dinner.

02) Supply can, must, need our might.

a)The radio said it_________ rain. (possibilidade remota)

b)Helen ________ help us with the work. (possibilidade)

c)He has just received his salary. He ________ have some

money. ( dedução)

d)You _________ arrive late to the lecture. (proibição)

e)I ____________ count the money again. There is some

missing. (necessidade)

03) Supply could, shold or used to.

a) You _________ go to the dentist every year. (conselho)

b) I __________ speak English well 5 years ago. (capacidade)

c) We _________ do all the exercises in na hour.


d) I __________ smoke a lot some years ago. (hábito passado)

e) We _________ help mother now. She is tired. (dever)

04) Supply may, dare or ought to.

a) It’s raining. You ________ take a raincoat. (conselho)

b) __________ we leave the clasrrom now? (permissão)

c) My sister __________ arrive from Italy today.


d) __________ you swim across the river again? (desafio)

e) I __________ answer Mary’s letter. (dever)

05) Check all correct alternatives.

A) You _______ smoke here.

a) might to b) have permission

c) can to d) may

B) The teacher told pupils that they _______ leave the school.

a) might to b) musted c) mayed d) might

C) You _______ to know it better.

a) could b) shold c) ought d) may

D) He _______ speak Italian when he was years old.

a) may b) might c) ought d) could

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E) She ________ come in May.

a) mays b) have to c) musts d) may

F) She felt ill. She ________ to go to bed immediately.

a) could b) must c) can d) had

G) “You mustn’t take that medicine” expressa:

a) uma ordem b) uma advertência

c) uma obrigação d) uma proibição.

H) I’m sure she isn’t here. She _________ be at home.

a) dare b) must c) ought d) have to

I) She ______study hardy now, because she hás no chance to


a) mustn’t b)can’t c) shouldn’t d) needn’t

J) I’m awfully sorry, but I had no choice. I simply ________

what I did.

a) ought to b) must do

c) have had todo d) had to do

06) Check the corret alternative.

A) she’s crying because her mother says that she _________

go to the club with her friends.

a) must b) is allowed to

c) may d)may not

B) Your eyes are reddish. You _______ have a fever.

a) may not b) mustn’t c) mustn’t d) mightn’t

C) My team ______ win this championship, but I don’t belive

it will.

a) might b) mustn’t c) may not d) will be allowed


D) _______ I used your pen for a minute?

a) Must b) Mustn’t c)May d) Mightn’t

E) The teacher said that the children_____ arrive a little late

today. There’s no problem.

a) will may b) will might c) may d) must

07) Check the correct alternative.

A) Our class _______ to study a litle bit more about our


a) should b) ought

B) They ______ ask the teacher if they want to leave the room.

a) should b) ought

C) You _______give her a present. It’s her birthday.

a) should b) ought

D) We ________ to arrive at school early tomorrow. There’s a

special class.

a) should b) ought

E) I _______ to write to my friends in Italy.

a) should b) ought

08) Check the correct alternative.

A) Tecnology ______ provide a higher quality of life to every


a) should b) ought

B) He thinks he ______ anybody’s help to finish his project.

a) doesn’t need b) needs not

C) The teacher ______ to give us na easier test next time.

a) should b) ought

D) I _______ to finish cleaning the garage before going to the


a) need b) needs

E) _______ they eat all those sandwiches at once?

a) Need b) Do need

09) Check the correct meaning.

A) Look at Fred! He must be drunk.

a) dedution b) obligation c) prohibition

B) We must study because there is an exam tomorrow.

a) dedution b) obligation c) prohibition

C) You mustn’t smoke in this room. Look at the sing.

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a) dedution b) obligation c) prohibition

D) Lucy is running to school. She must be late.

a) dedution b) obligation c) prohibition


I worked

You worked

He worked Afirmativa: He worked yesterday.

She worked Interrogativa: Did he work yesterday?

It worked Negativa: He did not work yesterday.

We worked

You worked Forma abreviada:didn’t (did not)

They worked


• No passado os verbos têm a mesma forma para todas

as pessoas.

• Nas formas interrogativa e negativa em que se usa o

auxiliar (did), o verbo principal fica no infinitivo sem to.

Regra geral

Acrescenta-se -d/ -ed ao verbo.

Work-worked play-played

Love-loved agree-agreed


1) Verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante trocam o y

por –ied.

Study-studied carry-carried cry-cried

2) Verbos terminados em consoante + vogal+ consoante, cuja

silaba forte é aultima, dobram a consoante antes do acréscimo

de –ed.

permit-permited ocur-occurred stop-stopped


1) Expressa hábitos passados.

I walked to school when I was a child.

2) Expressa ações terminadas ou ocorridas em um momento

definido. Geralmente usado com yesterday, last..., ago, etc.

Columbus discovered América in 1492.

She arrived late last nigh.


01) Rewrite the sentences into the interrogative torm.

a) The police stopped us on our way to the stadium.

Did the police stop us on our way to the stadium.?

b) Albert Eintein formulated the theory of relativity.

c) A big explosion destroyed several houses in the village.

d) Last year’s proficts permited investimentes in the new


e) Our competitor opened a new industry in Chicago.

02) Suplí the simple present or the simple past of the verbs in


a) Alfred _______ (work) at a big department store now.

b) what _______ she _______ (study) last night?

c) Timothy ________ (carry) the heavy tables to the garage


d) The president always ________(speak) to the press in the

Golden Room?

e) Why ________ the child________ (cry) every time it is in

the dark room?

f) Water ________ (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.

03) Check the correct alternative.

A) A Bus _______ against the house and _______ na old lady.

a) crash – kill b) crashes – killed

c) crashed – kills c) crashed – killed

B) I ________ them. They________ five minutes later.

a) called – arrived b) call – arrives

c) crashed – arrive d) call – arrived

C) She never ________ with us. She ________ she’s always


a) agreed – think b) agree – think

c) agrees- think d) agrees – thinks

D) They ________ when I _________ the door.

a) complains – closed b) complained – closes

c) complained - closed d)complains – close

Verbo + -D/-ED Auxiliar DID

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E) His company ________a new system of recording sound.

a) develop b) developed

c) developps d) developped


I was sleeping

You were sleeping

He was sleeping Afirmativas: He was sleping.

She was sleeping Interrogativa: Was he sleeping?

It was sleeping Negativa: He was not sleeping.

We were sleeping

You were sleeping Formas abreviadas: wasn’t (was not)

They were sleeping weren’t (were not)


O verbo terminado em - ing não se altera na

interrogativa e na negativa.


Todos os tempos continuous seguem as mesmas

normas ortográficas.

Uso; Expressa ações que estavam acontecendo em um

determinado momento no passado.

They were sleeping 5 minutes ago.


01) Supply the past continuous of the verbas in parenses.

a) Susan ________ (help) her mother in the kitchen.

b) We _________ (run) to school at 8:00 this morning.

c) The children ________ (look) for the cat in the garage.

d) Father ________ (drive) Home at 6:00 yesterday.

e) Dennis and Tom _________ (solve) the problem in the


f) The telephone ________ (ring) at 5 o’clok this mornig.

g) I __________ (walk) down the street at 5:00 in the


h) They _________ (do) their homework at 8:30 last night.

i) Helen _________(dance) at the club.

J) I _________ (work) with your brother last night.

02) Check the correct alternative.

A) Alice ________ up when the telephone rang.

a) gets b) is geting c) was getting d) get

B) My friend didn’t go to the club because it ________.

a) was raining b) is raining c) rain d) rains

C) Noboly Knew Mary ________ in the Unided States.

a) is live b)live c)living d) was living

D) Several Children __________ in the park when the accident


a) plays b) is playing

c) was plaing d) were playing

E) I could tell she was sad because she _________.

a) cries b) is crying

c) cry d) was crying.



When (quando) e while (enquanto) podem ser usados

para ligar orações indicando que :

Passado do verbo verbo terminado em TO BE + -ING

• uma ação estava acontecendo quendo outra ocorreu.

I was studying when she arrived

• duas ações estavam ocorrendo ao mesmo tempo.

I was studing while they were swimming


01) Suply while or when.

a) Nobody was working _________ I arrived there.

b) She said she was sleeping ________ you were studying.

c) What were you doing _________ the accident took place?

d) Are you sure you were not sleeping _______ the boys

entered the room?

e) We wen´t having fun ________ their parents were working.

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f) The children were having fun ________ their parents were


g) Some people were still tryng to buy tickets ________ the

game was going on in the stadium.

h) _________ they finished the exercise we were already

playing outside.

i) Some workers were protesting _________ the President was

vising the factory.

j) Some workers were marching in front of the factory______

the President arrived.


I have worked Afirmativa: He has worked hard.

You have worked Interrogativa: Has he worked hard?

He/she/it has worked Negativa: he hasn’t worked hard.

We have worked

You have worked Formas abreviadas:

They have worked ‘s (has)

‘ve (have)

hasn’t (has not)

haven’t (have not)


1) O particípio passado dos verbos regulares é igual ao

passado simples.

2) O verbo principal (no passado não se altera nas frases

interrogativas e negativas: Have you worked

You haven’t worked.


O presente perfeito é usado para expressar:

a) ações que ocorreram num tempo indefinido. Essas ações

podem ou não estar ocorrendo ainda.

I have worked with her. ( Eu trabalhei com ela. / Eu

tenho trabalhado com ela.)

They have studied English. (Eles estudaram

Inglês./Eles têm estudado Inglês.)

He hás lived in London. (Ele morou em Londres./

Eletem morado em Londres.)

Obs.: Se o tempo exato em que a ação ocorreu for

mencionado ou sugerido, usa-se o passado simples:

I worked with her 10 years ago.

They studient English last year.

He lived in London when he was a child.

b) ações que aconteceram várias vezes no passado.

She hás talked to me many times.

Since (desde)

We have lived here since April

For (durante, há)

I have lived here for 2 years.

Just (acabar de)

The Kids have just arrived

Ever (alguma vez, já)

Have you ever traveled abroad?

Alrealy (já)

I have already seen that film.

Have you alread seen it?

Yet (já, ainda)

Have they arrived yet?

They haven’t arrived yet.

Leately (ultimamente)

She hasn’t talked to me lately.


Afirmativa: She has been working hard.

Interrogativa: Has she been working hard?

Negativa: She hasn’t been working hard.


O presente continuo enfatiza a continuidade da ação

que começou no passado e que se prolonga até o presente.


HAVE/HAS BEEN + verbo Terminado em -ING

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Linda hás been working for 2 hours. She must be



01) Supply the simple past or the present perfect of the verbs

in parênteses.

a) I ___________ (Kiss) my girlfriend.

b) the boy _________ (find) a little dog last night.

c) they __________ (be) in the library 5 minutes ago.

d) She __________ (work) in that room.

e) We ___________(break) the crystal vase.

02) Supply alread or yet.

a) I have _________ done my exercises but Sally hasn’t done


b) We haven’t run into the new director___________ He/she/it had worked Interrogativa: Had he worked?

c) Have they done their homewo __? rk____________We had worked Negativa: He had not worked.

d) She has _________ sent the postvards.

03) Suply just or lately.

a) Mother has ___________ baked a chocolate cake.

b) I haven’t seen Jane ___________

c) Have you worked hard __________________?

d) She has ____________ told us the good news.

04) Suply since or for.

a) she hás spoken _________ last year.

b) He has worked as a teacher________ last year.

c) They have lived in Miami __________1988.

d) We haven’t said a word __________2 hours.

05) Rewrite the sentences. Put the adverbs in the correct

position. Follow the example.

You have ssen a lion. (ever)

Have you ever seen a lion?

a) They have traveled abroad. (never)

b) She hás arrived. (just)

c) I haven’t gone to the movies. (lately)

d) We have lived here. (since 1990)

06) Write senteces using since or for.

She – read - book – 3 weeks

She hás been reading this book for 3 weeks.

a) we-speak – with Paul – 2 hours

b) they – write – letters - yesterday

c) He - sing – this – song – 5 o’clock

d) I – waint – for – half an hour


I had worked


You had worked Afirmativa: He had worked.

You had worked

They had worked Formas abreviativas: ‘d (had)

Hadn’t (had not)


O passado perfeito indica que uma ação ocorreu antes

de outra ação no passado. Geralmente é usado com after,

before, when, etc.

I had cleaned the room when she arrived.

They had left before I called them.


HAD BEEN + verbo terminado em


I had been working

You had been working

He/she/it had been working

We had been working

You had been working

They had been working

Afirmativa: He had been working

Interrogativa: Had he been working

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Negativa: He had not been working.

Formas abreviadas: ‘d (had)

hadn't (had not)


O passado perfeito continuo enfatiza a duração da

ação que ocorreu antes de outra ação no passado.

When I arrived, she had been crying for na hour.


01) Check the correct alternative.

A) I ________ a letter when the guests arrived.

a) had been writeing b) had been c) had writing

B) She told me her name after I ________ her twice.

a) asked b) had askey c) had asking

C) When she interrupted him, he ________ about his life for

an hour.

a) had been talk b) had been talking c) talked

D) He ________ for a newspaper but she brought some


a) did ask b) have asked c) had asked

02) Suply the past perfect of the verbs in parenteses.

a) We__________ (finish) the exercise when teacher called us.

b) I washed the dishes after they _________ (eat)

c) Jane lost the book Paul________(give) to her.

d) They read the message she _______ (write).

d) They read the message she _______ (White).

e) He __________ (leave) the party before I arrived.

03) Supply the past perfect or the simple past of the verbs in


a) Roy told me he __________ (fall) from a tree.

b) The teacher ___________ (give) us the test after we had

read the book.

c) They had drunk a lot before they _________ (start) dinner.

d) I ____________ (sleep) for 2 hours when Jack called me.

e) She answered the door after I _________ (ring) the bell

many times.

04) Supply past perfect or past continuous.

a) They dressed after they _________ (wash)

b) I came in While he ___________(write).

c) It ____________ (rain) this morning when I got up.

d) She told me her name after I __________ (ask) bread.

e) After you ___________ (go), I went to sleep.

f) When I arrived at his house he ________ still________


g) She cut her finger while she ____________(cut) bread.

h) Why didn´t you go to the doctor after I __________ (tell)


i) The ligth went out while we __________(have) dinner.



verbal forma Uso


O infinitivo é a

forma original do

verbo. O

infinitivo pode

aparecer com ou

sem to

Usa-se o infinitivo sem to:

a) após os verbos anômalos;

b) após os verbos make e let;

c) após os verbos auxiliares: do, does, did,

will, would;

d) após as preposições but e except.

Usa-se o infinitivo com to:

a) após os verbos: tell, invite, teach, remind,

wish, desire, want;

b) após: the first, the second, the last, the


c) após adjetivos no superlativo:

d) após: tôo, enough;

e) após alguns verbos.


Verbo com a

terminação ing.

Observação: Os

verbos com ing

dos tempos

contínuos não

estão no

gerúndio, mas

no particípio


Usa-se o gerúndio:

a) como substantivo funcionando como:

- sujeito

- objeto direto

- objeto indireto (após preposições);

b) após os verbos go e come indicando

atividade física;

c)após os verbos: admit, avoid, appreclate,

consider, delay, detest, deny, dislike, enjoy,

escape, excuse, finish, keep, mention, miss,

practice, quit;

d) após algus verbos (ver lista abaixo)

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• Verbos que podem ser seguidos de gerúndio ou

infinitivo com TO


He stopped to talk. ( Ele parou para conversar.)

He stopped talking. ( Ele parou de conversar.)

• Verbos que podem ser seguidos de gerúndio ou infinitivo

sem to )verbos de percepção.


01) Supply the infinitive with or without to.

a) You should _________ (travel) at night because it’s fresher.

b) Jenny made us ________ (clean) the room before we left.

c) Will you __________ (lend) me your book, plase?

d) She did nothing but _____________ (cry)

e) I was the first ____________ (arrive) last night.

f) For me, Japanese is the hardest language__________


g) You are too young __________ (watch) that film.

h) Do you have enough money __________(buy) our tickets?

i) They told us ____________ (leave) the room.

j) Tom invited me ___________ (have) dinner with him.

02) Turn into English. Use gerund.

a) A primeira é um bom passatempo

___________ is a good pastime.

b) Ela gosta de trabalhar de manhã

She likes __________ in the morning.

c) Nós falamos em ir ao parque, mas Judy continuou


We talked about ___________ to the park, but Judy kept


Admit Approve Can’t stand Confuse Emphasi-


Affirm Avoid Cancel Consider Enjoy

Anticipate Can’t help Condemn Delay Excuse

Apreciate Can’t resist Confirm Deny Fancy

Favour Mind Prescribe Risk Suggest

Finish Miss Prohibit Save Tolerate

Imagine Necessitate Recall Signift Treat

Include Oppose Recognise Simulate Value

It’s not

worth Postpone Report Skip View

Justify Predict Resist Stress visualise

advise continue love remember agree forget mean stop allow hate negrect study

attempt leave prefer try begin like permit

d) As crianças foram nadar no clube.

The chilbren went ___________ in the club.

e) Eles detestaram andar descalços na areia.

feel observe hear see notice watch They disliked _________ barefoot on the sand.

03) Underline the correct form of the verbs in parenteses.

a) They attempted (make, making) the exercises by


b) I heard the baby (to cry, crying).

Verbos seguidos de


Verbos seguidos de

gerúndio e infinitivo

sem to

Verbos seguidos de

gerúndio e infinitivo

com to




















Verbos de percepção

























Nota: He stopped to talk. (Ele parou para conversar.)

He stopped talking. (Ele parou de conversar.)

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(As formas nominais)

As formas nominais ( no-finits, em inglês) são as

formas verbais não conjugadas e, portanto, sempre invariáveis

e equivalentes a substantivos ou adjetivos: infinitivo,

gerundio, particípio presente e particípio passado. Ex: to go,

going (present participle and gerund), gone.

Em inglês, o particípio presente e o gerúndio são

obtidos acrescentando-se -ing ao infinitivo. O particípio

presente é um adjetivo verbal e sempre é usado nos tempos

contínuos ( present continuous, past continuous, present

perfect continuous, past perfect continuous, future

continuous). O gerundio é um substantivo verbal. Veja os


She’s dancing now (present participle)

She likes dancing. (gerund)

O gerundio e o infinitivo podem funcionar como

sujeito, objetivo ou coplemento predicativo. Veja os


Helping poor children is a joy. (subject)

We really enjoy doing it. (object)

All she enjoys is helping children. (complement)

To walk is a pleasure. (subject)

He wants to walk. (object)

To walk too fast is to walk in vain. (complement)

Observe que:

• usamos o gerúndio para nos referirmos a um sentido

geral, e o infinitivo a um sentido particular (freqüentemente

com should ou would.

1) No texto, encontramos:

“[...] Ed Murphy was attempting to develop a project [...]”

“Murphy resisted admitting it was his fault [...]”

Observe que o verbo attempt é seguido por um

infinitivo com to (to-infinitive), enquanto resist é seguido por

um gerúndio. Em português usamos o infinitivo nos dois

casos, mas certos verbos ingleses exigem o infinitivo, e outros

p gerúndio. Veja abaixo as listas dos mais comuns desses




I’II never approve talking in the classrom.

She can’t help loving him.

It’s not worth going there today.

He confirmed not being a Protestant.

The proibited smoking in the museum.

Susan doesn’t tolerate living alone.


afford decide long prove

appear determine manage refuse

arrange expect mean(intend) resolve

attempt fail ofter seem

be(obligation) guarantee prepare swear

care help pretend try

choose hope proceed want

claim learn promise wish


I can’t afford to travel to England this year.

You are to come here at nine. Don’t forget.

He decided not to go there.

We hope to graduale in two years’ time.

They refused to help us.

Paul means to became an artist.

2) Veja agora os seguintes exemplos:

The teacher doesn’t permit smoking in the classroom.

The teacher didn’t permit me to leave the classroom.

Observe que o verbo permit exige o gerúndio se não for

seguido de pronome ou substantivo; caso contrario, exige o

infinitivo (to-infinitive). Os verbos abaixo comportam-se da

mesma maneira:

Acknowledge allow encourage

Advise authorize recommend

• depois de uma preposição ou conjunção, usamos o gerundio,

enquanto em portugues usamos o infinitivo:

We began by sponsoring a desperately poor girl.

[...] you’ll feel the personal reward of knowing your love and

support can do.

Before leaving, turn off the lights.

3) Observe os seguintes exemplos:

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I saw the man crossing the roal.

I saw the man cross the road.

No primeiro exemplo, o uso do gerúndio implica a

observação do desenvolvimento da ação, e a oração pode se

traduzida por Eu vi o homem atravessando a rua.

No segundo exemplo, o emprego do infinitivo sem to

indica apenas que a ação de atravessar foi executada , e

podemos traduzir a oração por Eu vi o homem atravessar a


• com os verbos dos seguintes exemplos, o emprego do gerúndio

ou infinitivo implica significados diferentes:

Essa diferenciação ocorre com os verbos que indicam

percepção, tais como see, hear, feel, notice, etc. Veja mais

alguns exemplos:

She heard the car stopping. John noticed her coming.

She heard the car stop. John noticed her come.

4) Observe as duas seguintes formas:

She doesn’t like me smoking.

She doesn’t like my smoking.

Ambas podem ser traduzidas por Ela não gosta que

eu fume, mas a primeira, embora muito empregada na língua

coloquial, não é gramaticalmente correta. Observe que, neste

caso, o emprego do gerúndio precedido de um possessivo

corresponde ao modo subjuntivo em português. Veja outros


I can’t satand your behaving like this.

(Não suporto que você se comporte assim).

She approved the girl’s apologizing.

(Ela aprovou que a menina se desculpasse)

they don’t like jou’s complaining.

(Eles não gostam que Joe se queixe.)


I like dancing. (Eu sempre gosto de dançar; este é um hábito


I would like to dance tonight. (gostaria de dançar esta noite,

embora este não seja um hábito meu.)

He prefers walking to driving. (general)

He prefers to talk this evening. (particular)

She usually begin working at seven. (general)

Today she began to work at nine. (particular)

Em português usamos apenas o infinitivo em todos

esses exemplos. Os principais verbos que ocorre neste caso

são os seguintes:

attempt dislike omit

begin detest prefer

bother like propose

cease love start

hate need study

intend neglect

I stopped smoking. (Eu parei de fumar)

I stopped to smoke. (Eu parei para fumar)

He regretted telling her the story. (Ele se arrependeu de contar

a historia a ela.)

I regret to inform you your son hás failed the test. (Lamento

informar-lhes que seu filho não passou no teste.)

He tried to play tennis but he failed. ( Ele tentou jogar Tênis,

mas não conseguiu.)

She remembered buying sugar when she got home,

although she couldn’t find it. (Ela se lembrou de que comprara

açúcar quando chegou em casa, embora não conseguisse

encontra-lo. – Aqui, remember refere-se ao ato de recordar

uma ação realizada.)

She remembered to buy sugar. (Ela se lembrou de

comprar açúcar. Nesse caso, remember refere-se a lembrança

de realizar uma ação.)

He forget meeting me last month. (Ele se esqueceu de

que me conheceu no mês passado.)

We arranged to meet at five but he forget to meed me.

(Combinamos nos encontrar às cinco, mas ele se esqueceu de

me encontrar)

Holidays abroad mean spending a lot of money.

(passar as férias no exterior implica gastar muito dinheiro.)

He means to spead his holiday abroad. ( Ele tenciona

passar as férias no exterior: )


• O infinitivo é a forma original do verbo e pode aparecer com

ou sem a partícula to.

• Usa –se o infinitivo sem to.

a)após os verbos anômalos, os verbos auxiliares do e will e os

verbos make e let

Ex. I can swim.

Do you like coffee?

Let me go

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b) após as conjunções but e except.

Ex. I will do nothing but cry.

• usa-se o infinitivo com to:

a) após os verbos tell, invite, teach, remind, wish, desire, want.

Ex. I want to go home.

He told me to stop.

b) após as palabras too, enougt, the first, the second, the last,

the only.

Ex. We are tôo youg to die.

I was the first one to arrive.

c) após adjetivos.

Ex. This exercice is difficult to do.

• Atenção!

O verbo help aceita infinitivo com ou sem to.

Ex. They helped us do our homework.

They helped us to do our homework.


• O gerúndio é uma forma verbal caracterizada pela

terminação ing e funciona como substantivo.

• O gerúndio também é usado:

a) após preposições.

Ex. She is tired of working.

b) após os verbos come e go (quando indicarem atividade


Ex. Let’s go shopping.

c) após os verbos: admit, avoid, appreciate, consider, continue,

delay detest, deny, anjoy, escape, finish, imagine, keep, mind,

miss, practice, resist, suggest, stop, try e understand.

Ex. He admitted being wrong.

• Assim como o gerúndio, o particípio presente também é

caracterizado pela terminação –ing. O particípio presente é

usado para formar tempos contínuos.

Ex. He is playing the guitar now.


• Os verbos feel, hear, notice, observe, see, watch podem ser

seguidos de gerundio ou de infinitivo sem to.

Ex. They watched the birds flying.

They watched the birds fly.

• Verbos que podem ser seguidos de gerundio ou de

infinitivo com to:

advise forget permit

allow hate prefer

attempt intend remember

begin like star

continue love stop

dislike neglect try

Ex.: I hate getting up early.

I hate to get up carly.

• os verbos advise, permit e allow, acompanhados de objeto

direto, são seguidos do infinitivo com to. Não havendo objeto

direto, esses verbos são seguidos apenas de gerúndio.

Ex.: He allowed us to smoke.

He allowed us smoking.

• Observe o verbo stop:

They stopped to talk. (Eles pararam para conversar.)

They stoped talking. (Eles pararam de conversar.)


01) Supply the infinitive with our without to.

a) It is wrong _________ (treat) animals cruelly.

b) Plase, let me __________(study) here.

c) I cannot ___________(agree) to do that.

d) We could do nothing but _________ (be) quiet.

e) They told me ____________(sit) down.

f) This ice is too thin _________(skate) on.

g) I made him _____________(answer) the letter.

h) It is bad luck ____________(spell) salt.

i) I told them i would ____________ (be) home late.

j) He was the only one ____________ (buy) her a present.

k) They invited us ______________ (join) them.

l) Would you like somenthing ___________ (drink)?

m) You should ____________ (listen) to what she says.

n) You are old enough ___________ (be) responsible for your


o) We wished them _____________ (go) but they insisted on


p) It is fun ______________ (drive) a car.

q) What can I _______________(do) for you?

r) It is easy _____________ (sing).

s) She desires __________(meet) him at the dance ball.

02) Use gerund or infinitive:

a) We usualy begin (work) at nine but today we’ll start (sell) at


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b) They never bother (read) any books but they’ll have (read)

a lot of them for this test.

c) She detests (wash up) but tonight she’ll have (do) it.

d) We love (ride) in the contry.

e) I know you prefer (stay) home, but I’d love (visit) our

friends tonight.

f) Daniel hales (play) fottball. Why don’t we try (play)

basketball for a change?

g) I don’t like (walk). Les’t take a taxi .

h) Do you dislike (smoke)? Yes, very much. If you like

(smoke) you’ll have (smoke) outside.

03) Use gerund or infinitive:

a) A new room means (spend) more money.

b) She didn’t mean (offend) him.

c) Don’t worry. I won’t forget (buy) your things.

d) On my way to school l stopped (watch) the parede.

e) Has Edward stoped (take) French lessons?

f) I tried (do) the exercice but it was tôo difficult for me.

g) I’m fed up of swimming. Why don’t we try (sail) This


04) Complete the following senteces with gerund or infinitive

(with “to”).

a) They thief didn’t admit (participate) in the robbery.

c) I always avoid (talk) to that nasty girl.

c) I’m sorry, but l can’t help (smoke) while l’m working.

d) We’ve always condemnent (misbehave) in such conditions.

e) James refused (send) the money back.

f) I’m sorry, but you’re (tell) the truth.

g) She’ll consider (leave) the contry for good.

h) They mean (enter) the university this year.

i) My father’s just decided (live) by the sea.

05) Suplí the Gerund or the Infinitive of the verbs in


a) I heard you _____________ (sing).

b) We observed the bird____________ (make) its next.

c) He advised us ______________ (study).

d) She advised __________________ (study).

e) The students attempted ____________ (cheat) during the


f) They started _______________ (look) for the criminal.

g) I dislike _____________ (be) late.

h) I saw you ____________ (write) on the wall.

i) We began ____________ (study) French.

j) She loves ____________ (be) lazy.

k) We tried ___________ (follow) her.


what (o que, qual) which (que,qual)

what do you need? Which is your favorite

what is your favorite color? Color: red or blue?

Where (onde) why (per que)

Where are you going? Why is she crying?

When (quando) whose (se quem)

When did he arrive? Whose car is this?

Who (quem) how (como)

Who helped you how are you?

Obs.: Quando a pergunta for sobre o sujeito do verbo, não se

usa verbo auxiliar:

Who saw you? → Tom saw me.

What caused the accident? → A ball caused the accident.


Hom much/ many (quanto/quantos)

How much is this book? It’s 5 dollars.

How many boys are there in the room? There are 10.

How old (quantos anos).

How old are you? I am 16 years old.

How long (quanto tempo, qual o tamanho)

How long is the concert? It’s 2 houurs long.

How far (qual a distância)

How far is the club? It’s 2 km from here.

How tall (qual a altura)

How tall are you? I’m 1,8 meter tall.

How high (qual a altura, a altitude)

How high can trat plane fly? It can fly about 1,000 feet high.

How deep (qual a profundiade)

How deep is the take? It’s about 10 meters deep.

How often (qual a freqüência )

How often do you go to the club? I go twice a week.

How wide (qual a largura)

How wide is the street? It’s 15 meters wide.

How big ( qual o tamanho)

How big is your room? It’s bigger than the kitchen.

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What, who, where, when, etc.






What time




How often


Whose Life

Which Of these






• A estrutura das perguntas acima, comum à maioria dos

interrogativos. É própria das perguntas a respeito do objeto do


“what do you study?” –“study history”

• Quando a pergunta é sobre o sujeito do verbo, não se usa

verbo auxiliar, sendo o interrogativo seguido da mesma ordem

de palavras de uma frase afirmativa.

Afirmação: Paul lives in Rio.

Pergunta: Who lives in Rio? Paul lives in Rio.

• who e what* são os interrogativos mais comuns nas

perguntas sobre o sujeito. Veja mais exemplos dos dois tipos

de perguntas:

(sujeito) who invited you? Mary invited me.

(objeto) who** did Mary invite? Mary invited me

(sujeito) what caused the accident? Bad weather caused the


(objeto) what did the accident cause? It caused a lot of


*pode-se usar também which e how many:

Whith came first, the chicken or the egg? (qual veio primeiro,

a galinha ou o ovo?)

How many people died in that war? (quantas pessoas

morreram naquela guerra?)

** Whom também pode ser usado nas perguntas sobre o

objetivo, mas não é comum, por ser muito formal.


01) Write questions for the following answers. Follow the


Who did you see?

I saw Karen.

a) _______________________________________________

Karen saw me.


There were 10 apples in the basket.


There boys are in the garage.


The is Stephen’s gilfriend.

e) _____________________________________________

That is Going to play the piano.

f) _____________________________________________

They arrived from China last week.

g) _____________________________________________ I

study English twice a week.

h)_____________________________________________ She

is Going to play the piano.

i) _____________________________________________

They will study on Friday.

j) _____________________________________________ Mr.

Douglas is terribly sad.


Os pronomes relativos introduzem orações

subordinadas (relative clauses).

Who, whom e that (que, quem) são usados quando o

antecedente do pronome relativo for pessoa.

o que



por que


a que horas



quantas vezes


(a vida) de


Qual (destes)

interrogativVerbo auxiliar

Verbo principal sujeito



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The girl who l saw was beautuful.

Oração Subordina

1) Usa-se who ou that quando o pronome relativo tem a finção

de sujeito do verbo.

We saw a man who was asking for money.


2) Usa-se Who, whom, that ou omite-se o pronome quando o

pronome relativo tem a função de objeto do verbo.

c) não se pode usar o pronome that para introduzi-


The girl who we saw was very beautiful.




Which e that ( que, quem) sao usados quando o

antecedente do pronome relativo for coisa ou animal.

1) Usa-se which ou that quando o pronome relativo tem a

função de sujeito do verbo.

The horse which is sick belongs to my incle.


2) Usa-se which, that ou omite-se o pronome quando ele tem a

função de objeto do verbo.

The horse which I sold belongs to my uncle.



3) Quando o pronome relativo é precedido de preposição, usa-

se whom (para pessoa) e which (para coisa e animal). Neste

caso não se pode omitir o pronome.

The man about whom we were talking hás arrived.

The dog to which he gave food is still sick.

1) Usa-se whose (cujo, cuja, cujos cujas) com qualquer

antecedente, não podendo ser omitido nem substituído por


f) The mechanic ____________ we saw on the

street is from North Chicago.

2) Usa-se somente that.

a) quando houver antecedentes diferentes

I know the writers and the books that he mentioned.

b) após the first, the last e superlativos.

c) após all, some every, any, any, no e seus compstos.

He received everything that you sent him.

Nothing that he says is true.


That pode ser omitido quando tiver função de objeto

do verbo.

This is the first time (that) she arrives late.

Orações entre vírgulas

Quando a oração subordinada não for essencial

para o significado da oração:

a) ela vem entre vírgulas;

b) o pronome relativo não pode ser omitido;

The Titanic, which was a big ship, collided with na


Kennedy, who was an American president, died in



01)Supply all possible relative pronouns.

a) Ellen looked at the boy_________ she loves and


b) We met a basketball player_________ is a member of

the Bulls.

c) The volunteers helped the people

_________they found along the road.

d) Those students____________ are late for class

are going to have extra homework.

e) The scientists___________ discovered the HIV

virus are going to talk on TV tonight.

g) The mechanic _____________helped us on the

street is from North Chicago.

h) I will never forget the surgeon ___________

operated on my father.

i) There were many kids __________ had never

seen a CD-ROM.

j) Don’t talk to people __________you don’t know.

02) Choose all correct possibilities to complete the sentences.

a) who/whom/that/X b) who/that c) none of the others

a) That’s the biker___________ was almost run over by the


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b) She didn’t find the book _____________ she was looking


c) What do you think about the painter __________sold one of

his paintings for 9 milion dollars?

d) Don’t tell anybody ___________ I know that l’m going to

get married.

e) Is there any person in this room ____________ you don’t


f) I don’t think she’s the person __________ killed the old


g) I don’t think she’s the person ___________ you were

talking about.

h) Those are the trees _________ they cut down last


i)The one _________ committed this crime must be


j)I’m the one ___________ you saw lcaving the room

last night.

03) Underline all correct possibilities.

a)David fixed the table (who, that) was broken.

b)The horses (which, who, that, X) were in the stable

belonged to the fariner.

c)She’s showing the tiger about (who, that, whom,

which) she wrote a book.

d)The circus (that, which, X, whom) was in town went to

the west

e)She bought a violin (whom, X, which, who) cost 1,500


f)The violin (whom, X, which, who) she bought cost

1,500 dollars.

g)That’s the man to (whom, which, that, who, X) you

gave the keys.

h)Children (that, who, X, whom) don’t brush their teeth

may have many cavities.

i)The book (that, X, who, which, whom) he’s reading

belongs to me.

j)People (who, that, whom, X) exercise regularly have a

healthier life.

04)Check the correct alternative.

A) Einstein, _________theory is very famous, was not


a) whom b) which c) whose d) who

B)The research _________ you proposed is a very

important one.

a) that b) whose c) who d) whom

C) Dr. Braun, ________ we saw in the laboratory, has

received a Nobel Prize.

a) whose b) X c)whom d) who

D)Professor Hill, _________ is 69 years old, is studying

solar energy now.

a) whose b) X c) whom d) who

E)Technology, ___________ brings us comfort, is the

result of scientific investigation.

a) that b) who c) which d) X

F) The woman, ___________ baby is sleeping, is an

excellent mother.

a) that b) whose c) who d) whom

G) The salesman, __________ showed us the products,

is sick.

a) whose b) X c) who d) which

H) Alice, _________ is Canadian, is my neighbor.

a) that b) who c) whom d) X

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I) The pilot, __________ saved the airplane from a crast, was

on TV las night.

a) whose b) X c) which d) who

J) Helen, _________ husband is in England, is taking an

Euglish course now.

a) who b) which c) that d)whose

05) Choose all correct possibilities to complete the sentences.

A) who/whom/that/X

B) who/that

C) which/that

D) which/that/X

E) whom

a)This is the evidence _______ his lawyer needed.

b)The girl ________ we know will help her.

c)There is the housewife _______ we asked a question to.

d)Where is the car ________ you liked?

e)She is the dentist _________ talked about tooth decay.

f)She is the dentist with ________ we talked about tooth


g)The girl to _______ we are writing lives in Germany.

h)The car ________ Paul bought is made in Italy.

i)Einstein formulated a law _______ changed the course of


j)My brother is studying in the room ________ is near the



Os advérbios modificam verbos, adjetivos ou outros


They speak slowly

She is very gentle

He lives too far.

• Muitos advérbios são formados acrescentando-

se a partícula –ly ao substantivo ou adjetivo.




• Palavras como hard, fast, late, early, far e

much podem se adjetivos e advérbios.

I’ve bought a fast car.

You run fast.

• Há advérbios com duas formas e significados


hard, hardly ( duro, dificilmente)

late, lately ( tarde, ultimamente)

near, nearly ( perto, quase)

He arrived late

I haven’t seen her lately

Posição dos advérbios

• Advérbios de tempo ( now, yesterday, etc.) ou

de lugar ( here, there, etc) – geralmente no final da frase.

They arrived yesterday.

She lives there.

• Advérbios de freqüência ( often, never, etc.) ou

de modo ( kindly, fast, etc.) - no final da frase, antes do verbo

principal ou após verbo auxiliar.

He drives fast.

I always get up early

She has never worked here

• Advérbios de modo + lugar + tempo – no final

da frase, nessa ordem.

He wrote the letter carefully at home yesterday.

• Advérbios de lugar + modo + tempo (com verbos

que indicam movimento) – no final da frase, nessa ordem.

They went to school by car yesterday.

• Advérbios do mesmo tipo ( tempo/lugar) - a

unidade menor vem primeiro.

I have breakfast at 7 o’clock in the morning.

They went to a small village in Tucson, Arizona.

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01) Underline the correct form.

a) My nephew learns everything very (quick/ quickly).

b) Jeniffer is a (quick/ quickly) learner.

c) We should be more (attentive/attentively) during classes.

d) I don’t understand why the teacher speaks so (slow/slowly).

e) I’m going to pass because I study very ( hard/hardly).

f) He lost control of the car and (near/nearly) crashed against

the wall.

g) There have been many accidents on that corner (late/lately).

h) Jack received a reward for acting very (honest/honestly).

i) How (frequent/frequently) do you visit your grandmother?

j) Be (frank/frankly) and tell us the truth.

02) Choose the correct alternative.

A) a) They buy groceries never at the supermarket on


b) They never buy groceries on Sunday at the


c) They never buy groceries at the supermarket on


d) They buy groceries at the supermarket never on


B) a) Our team played against the Foxes superbly last


b) Our team played superbly against the Foxes last


c) Our team played against the Foxes last night


d) Our tem played last night superbly against the Foxes.

C) a) The General Meeting is going to be held May 29 at 9

o’clock in the morning next Friday.

b) The General Meeting is going to be held at 9 o’clock

in the morning next May 29, Friday.

c) The General Meeting is going to be held next Friday

at 9 o’clock in the morning, May 29.

d) The General Meeting is going to be held at 9 o’clock in

the morning next Friday, May 29.

D) a) We never have been to Chicago before.

b) The smiths are finally coming to Boston for a


c) I saw yesterday a very old school friend of mine at

the library.

d) If you have any questions, I gladly will help you.

03) Choose the correct alternative.

A) Although he doesn’t have a _____ car, he drives


a) fastly – fast b) fast – fastly

c) fast – fast d) fastly – fastly

B) I can’t believe how ______ my sister can play the piano.

She is really a ______ player.

a) well – good b) good – well

c) well – well d) good – good

C) Her injury was not very ______ but it bled _______

a) seriously – profuse b) seriously-profusely

c) serious – profuse d) serious – profusely

D) He smiled ______ when he saw his daughter was walking


a) happily – freely b) happy freely

c) happy – free d) happily – free


Em inglês os adjetivos e advérbios podem aparecer nos

graus normal, comparativo e superlativo.


• of equality

as ... as (tão...quanto)

I am as strong as you are

not as ... as ( não tão... quanto)

She is not as intellignet as Peter.

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not so... as

She is not so fast as Jane

• of inferiority

less... than (menos...que)

This book is less interesting than that

You are less strong than Peter.

• of superiority – two or more syllable words

more... than (mas...que)

She is more intelligent than Peter.


• Of inferiority

the least... (o/a menos...)

He is the least strong of the boys.

She is the least intelligent girl in the class.

• Of superiority – two or more syllable words

the most... (o/a mais...)

This is the most expensive car in town.

Comparative and superlative of superiority – one or

two syllable works

-er than... (mais...que) Jack is stronger than Paul.

the ...-est (o/a mais...) Jack is the strongest boy I know

Construções especiais

1) It is getting colder and colder.(cada ver mais frio).

Life is getting more and more expensive. (cada vez mais


2) The older the better. (Quanto mais velho, melhor.)

The more difficult, the more fascinating. (Quanto mais difícil

mais fascinante.)

Formas irregulares

good – better – the best

bad – worse – the worst

far – farther – the farthest

little – less – the least

much – more – the most

many- more – the most


Regra geral Acrescentam-se –er/-est

Strong – stronger – strongest

Small – smaller – smallest


1) Palavras terminadas em –e recebem apenas –r e –st.

Large – larger – largest

Wide – wider – widest

2) Palavras terminadas em consoante + vogal + consoante

dobram a consoante antes de receber –er e –est.

Hot – hotter – hottest

big – bigger – biggest

3) Palavras terminadas em consoante + y trocam o Y por i ao

receber –er e –est.

Happy – happier – happiest

Heavy – heavier – heaviest


Usam-se more/most com palavras terminadas em –

ful, -ous, -re, -ing, -ed.

more/most hopeful

more/most obscure

more/most surprised

more/most curious

more most charming

• Usam-se –er/-est com palavras terminadas em –

le, -ow, -er.

Simple – simpler – simplest

Narrow – narrower – narrowst

Clever – cleverer – cleverest

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01) supply the comparative of superiority.

a) Bob’s motoreyele is ___________ (old) my car.

b)The Eiffel Tower is ___________ (high) the Statue of


c) The cake is ______________ (sweet) the ice-cream.

d) A car is ____________(safe) a motorcycle.

e) My uncle is ____________ (tall) my father.

02) Supply the superlative of superiority.

a) Linda is the __________ (short) girl among my friends.

a) This is the ___________ (simple) exercise in this


b) São Paulo is the ___________ (large) city in Brazil.

c) Corsa is the ____________ (light) car produced in


d) Jonathan is the __________ (tall) boy in our class

03) Supply the comparative or superlative of superiority.

a) Their car is _______ (new) ours.

b) A sports car is ________ (fast) a truck.

c) Mr. Clark drove _________ (fast) car in the world

d) Oceans are __________ ( deep) rivers.

e) Jane looks __________ (young) her sister Ann.

f) I bought _________ (cheap) hat in the store.

g) The lion is ________ (smart) of all animais.

h) The Nile is _________ (long) river in the world.

i) Margareth was ________ (clever) of the girls.

j) Helen was __________ (clever) judith

01) Supply the correct form of the adjectives in


a) Francis bought his car in 1996. I bought mine in 1995. His

car is not ___________ (old) mine.

a) My answer was exact. Yours was exact too. My

answer was________ (exact) yours.

b) The Ericson Building has 95 floors. The Empire

State Building has 102 floors.

c) The temperature in Paris is 15°C. The temperature in

Moscow is 6°C. The temperature in Moscow is __________

(cold) in Paris.

d) My car runs 120 kilometers per hour. Your car runs

120 kilometers per hour too. My car is____________ (fast)


My car runs 10 kilometers on one liter of gasoline. Your car

runs15 kilometers on

e) one liter of gasoline. My car is ___________ (

ccomical) yours.

f) A car is _____________ (heavy) a truck.

g) Our house has 6 rooms. Mary’s house has 8 rooms.

Our house is ____________ (big) Mary’s.

h) A house costs 50,000 dollars. Na apartment costs

45,000 dollars. Na apartment is ____________ (expensive) a


i) Johnny weighs 130 kilos. Tommy weighs 120 kilos.

Johnny is _________ (fat) Tommy.

05) Supply the comparative of equality

a) My method is __________ (practical) yours.

b) alice’s class isn’t _________ (interesting) Nancy’s.

c) The president’s room is _________ (comfortable) The


06) Supply the comparative of inferiority.

a) Jennifer is ________ (popular) Mary.

b) My sister is _________ (curious) my Brother.

c) A bicycle is _________ (expensive) a car.

07) Supply The superlative of inferiority.

a) The new dictionary is _____________ (complete) of our


b) Harold is ___________ (intelligent) boy in my class.

c) This is __________ (durable) metal there is.

d) You are talking about ________ (important) aspect of the



Conditional tenses

Simple conditional WOULD + verbo

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She would go. ( Ela iria.)

ct WOULD HAVE + particípio passado

She would have gone. ( Ela teria ido.)

Formas abreviadas: ‘D(WOULD)

She’d go.


She wouldn’t go.

Conditional sentences

As orações condicionais expressam uma condição e são

geralmente usadas com outros tempos verbais.

a) simple present + simple future – expressa uma condição


If she invites me, I’ll visit her.

b) simple past + simple conditional – expressa uma condição


If she invited me, I would visit her.

c) past perfect + conditional perfect – expressa uma condição


If she had invited me, I would have visited her.


1) Pode-se usar o simple present com o imperative.

If you have any problem, call me.

2) Pode-se usar o simple present com outro simple present

para expressar leis naturais ou verdades iniversais.

If you put wood on a fire, it burns.

If you heat iron, it melts.

03) O verbo to be no simple past tem a forma were para todas

as pessoas.

I would visit her if I were you.

04) O if pode ser omitido, fazendo-se a inversão do sujeito

com o verbo.

If I were rich, I would buy a big house.

were I rich, I would buy a big house.

05) Unless ( se não, a menos que) pode ser usado no lugar de

if not.

He won’t come if you don't call him.

He won’t come unless you call him.


01) Supply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

a) She__________ (tell) you the story if you ask her.

b) I’II explain the lesson again if she __________ (

understand-negative) it.

c) If they __________ (call) me, I will tell them the truth.

d) The refugees ___________ (abandon) the camp if the

enemies come back again.

e) If he ____________ (study) for the test, he will pass.

02) Supply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

a) If I knew you were coming, I __________ (make) a cake.

b) Helen _________ (come) to the party if we invited her.

c) If he __________ (compare) the fact, he would conclude

that I was right.

d) I would study today if I ____________ (have a test


e) The President __________ (approve) the project if he

accepted the idea.

03) Supply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

a) Those men wouldn’t have cut the trees if we __________ (


b) If they had paid attention, they _________ (learn) the


c) We ___________ (go) to the movies, if we had had money.

d) If we had stored the information, we ___________ (save)


e) You would have found your book, if you ___________

(look for) it in the teacher’s room.

04) Write sentences using the given words. Follow the


he – ask – I – tell the story ( probable condition)

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If he asks, I will tell the story.

a) They – play well – they – win the game ( probable


b) we-buy a car – we – have money (improbable condition)

c) he – save the house – he – call the fire departament

(impossible condition)

d) it rain – we not go to the beach (improbable condition)


Some Any No, n ne o







e negativas





*Frases com if

e palavras

como: seldom,



rarely etc.

no ( adjetivo)

none (



negativas com

o verbo na

forma positiva










no one





- Pode indicar uma escolha entre vários.

Which of those three records do you prefer?

- Any.

- Pode indicar uma escolha entre dois.

Which of those two records do you prefer?

- Either.

- Pode indicar uma escolha entre vários.

Which of those dresses do you want?

- None.

- Pode indicar uma escolha entre dois.

Which of those two dresses do you want?

- Neither.


Observe os exemplos:

(afirmativa) There are some articles about planets in our library.

(interrogativa) Are there any articles about planets in our library?

(negativa) -There aren’t any articles about planets in our library.

-There are no articles about planets in our library.

Some: alguns, algumas. – É usado em frases afirmativas. Any: alguns, algumas. – É usado em frases interrogativas e negativas. No: nenhum, nenhuma. – É usado em frases negativas


Observe os exemplos:

Would you like some coffee? oferecimento

Can you give me some money? pedido

Some é usado em frases interrogativas quando se trata de:

a) oferecimento b) pedido

Observe os exemplos:

If you have any difficulty, ask me for help.

Any book about cells will explain mitosis.

We seldom see any flower in their garden.


Observe os exemplos:

I want some apples. Some e any podem ser adjetivos ou pronomes. No funciona apenas como

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I want some

I don’t want any apples.

I don’t want any

I want no apples

I want none


Someone anyone no one

Somebody anybody nobody

Something anything nothing

Somewhere anywhere nowhere

Os indefinidos compostos de some, any e no seguem as

mesmas regras de uso destes.


Algumas palavras de sentido negativo:

Never rarely barely

Seldom hardly scarcely



something, somewhere, ect.

Os pronomes e também advérbios de sentido indefinido

seguem, quando compostos, os usos das suas formas simples.

Assim, empregamos:

para pessoas para coisas para lugares

They live somewhere near the North Pole. (Eles vivem em

algum lugar perto do Pólo Norte)

Would you like something to drink? (Você gostaria de algo

para beber?)

São usados em frases afirmativas ou em perguntas em que se

deseja resposta afirmativa, como quando se oferece algo para

beber; etc.

Anybody (ou anuthing anywhere anyone) (alguém) (alguma coisa) (em/a algum lugar)

Did anybody call while I was out? (Alguém ligou na minha

ausência?) Any é usado em frases afirmativas quando:

a) a frase começa com if; b) significa qualquer; c) há uma palavra de sentido

negativo na frase.

Did you say anything? (Você disse alguma coisa?)

São usados em perguntas gerais.

(not) anybody (ou) (not) anything (not) anywhere (not) anyone (ninguém) (nada) (em/a nenhum lugar

Did anybody call while I was out? (Alguém ligou na minha


Did you say anything? (Você disse alguma coisa?)

São usados em perguntas gerais.

We didn’t go anywhere. (Nós não fomos a nenhum lugar.)

(not) anybody (ou) (not) anything (not) anywhere (not) anyone (ninguém) (nada) (em/a nenhum lugar

There isn’t anyone at home.(Não há ninguém em casa.)

São usados em frases negativas, com o verbo na forma


Nobody (ou nothing nowhere no one*) (ninguém (nada) (em/a nenhum lugar.)

Somebody (ou something somewhere someone) (alguém) (alguma coisa) (em/a algum lugar

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Nobody knows the secret of those centenarians. (Ninguém

sabe o segredo daqueles centenários.)

I want nothing from those dishonest peaple. ( Eu não quero

nada daquelas pessoas desonestas.)

São usados em frases negativas, sem que o verbo esteja na

forma negativa.

Anybody can do that. It’s very easy. (Qualquer pessoa pode

fazer isso. É muito fácil.)

- “Where can I leave this?” (Onde é que eu posso deixar isto?)

- “Leave it anywhere.” (Deixe-o em qualquer lugar.)

São usados em frases afirmativas, com o sentido de qualquer

um, não importa qual.

Everybody knows the value of education. (Todos

sabem o valor da educação.)

They are looking for you everywhere. (Eles estão te

procurando em todo lugar.)

São usados em, afirmações e perguntas.


01) Check the correct alternative.

A) __________ of my brothers speaks English.

a) None b) Any c) No

B) We must save _________ money to buy a new house.

a) Some b) no c) any

C) They didn’t give us ________ invitation to the concert.

a) no b) some c) any

D) I didn’t go to the party because my car had ____________


a) some b) none c) no Anybody (ou anything anywhere anyone) (qualquer pessoa) (qualquer coisa) (em/a qualquer lugar.)

E) Are there _________ doctors in the audience?

a) none b) any c) some

F) _________ students were playind the guitar yesterday.

a) None b) Some c) Any

G) Did they save________ money last year?

a) some b) any c) none

H) I drank ________ alcohol at the party last night.

a) any b) none c) no

I) Does he have ________ French books? No, he has

________ Eveybody (ou everything everywhere everyone) (todos) (tudo) (em/a todo lugar)

a) any-none b) any-no c)some-any

J) I’m sorry you can’t sit down. There are ___________ empty


a) no b) none c) some

02) Underline the correct word.

a) She didn’t say (nothing/anything/something) when

she heard the news. She just cried.

b) ( Some/Any) economists say that it’s hard to stop inflation.

c) Nancy was crying because she couldn’t find her wallet


d) Mrs. Taylor was worried because her little son wasn’t

(anywhere/nowhere) in the neighborhood.

e) Do you see (nothing/anything) strange in Martha?

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03) Check the correct alternative.

A) Scientists have found ________ signs of water on the

surface of Mars.

a) any b) nobody c)some d)nothing

B) This faxi can take you _________ near the museum.

a)some b) anything c)somewhere d) someone

C) Has this detective solved________mysterious case?

a)something b)anyone c) nothing d)


D) Are you waiting for ________ ? No, I’m waiting for


a)anybody – somebody b)nobody-ayone

c)anyone-anybody d)anybody-nobody

E)They never greet________ when they enter the office.

a) someone b)nobody c)anyone d) something

F) Is there ________ I can do for you? No, _________

a) nothing-nothing b) anything-nothing

c) anything-something d) something- anything

G)My sister doesn’t go ______ on Monday nights.

a) somewhere b) anyone c)nowhere d) anywhere

H) I think ______ is knocking at the door.

a) somewhere b) somebody

c)anybody d) anything

04) Supply some, any, no, and compounds.

a) Is there _________ you want to ask me?

b) I asked him for _________ money, but he didn’t


c) I cannot tell you _________ about him.

d) Don’t make __________ noise. There is __________


e) ____________ has takem my umbrella. I can’t find it.

f) Did you see my pen? I can find it ________

g) Did you go ________ last night?

h) There are_________ students here. Thet must be_________


i) Have you read _________ good books lately?

j) Has __________ here lost o book? I’ve found a red one on

the table.

k) _________ has broken my radio.

l) There’s ________ written on that wall, but I can’t read it.

m) There isn’t________ to eat in the refrigerator.

n) Are you going to take _______ for your headche?

o) Don’t put _________ books on the table.

05) Check the correct alternative.

A) The teacher said we could ask him about________

a) anything b) any c) somewhere d) no

B) My friend Fred sent me ______ very funny postcards from


a) some b) anything c) somewhere d) someone

C) If I had a million dollars, I could travel _________

a)somewhere b)anywhere c) nothing d) anything

D) Would you like to have _______ to eat now?

a) anything b) something c) nothing d) anywhere

E) We seldom see _______ in thar restaurant.

a) anybody b) somebody c) no d) nobody

F) Ask me if you have ______ problem.

a) some b)no c) any d)something

G) I know she will have _______ problem.

a) nothing b)no c) any d)anything

H) Hardly ________ believes in ghosts nowadays.

a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody d) someone

I) Can we bring _______ to the party?

a) somebody b) anyone c) nobody d) anywhere

J) Yes, you can bring _______ you want.

a)somewhere b)somebody c) anybody d) anything

06) Supply some, any, no, and compounds.

a) She won’t finish her work if she doesn’t have __________


b) This game is so easy that _______ can play it.

c) Don’t talk unless you need________ help.

d) She was very angry and left the room without saying


e) ___________ is calling you. I can hear it.

f) If there’s _________ I can do for you, just let me know.

g) Would you like to have _______ hot tea now? It’s a little


h)Yes, please. I’d like _________ tea without sugar.

i) I went to your house yesterday, but there was ________ in.

j) They never bring ________ food for the picnic.

k) I saw you keys _________ near the door.

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l) Do you have _________ books about Mozart? No, I


m) The box is empty. There’s _________ in it.

n) Do you have _________ to tell me?

o) There is __________ in the garden. It must be the mailman.

07) Underline the correct word.

a) Do you have (some/any) doubt?

b) I offered him (some/any) moncy but he wanted (no/none).

c) Julie was sad yesterday but she told me she had (no/some)


d) May I offer you (some/any/no) coffee?

e) If you hear (some/any/no) noise, call thje police.

f) These are all my books. You can take (some/any) one you


g) I’m not thirsty. Bring me (some/no/none) water.

h) The doctor didn’t have (some/any/no) good new for us.

i) She helped us without (none/any/no) interest.

j) They seldom buy (any/some/none) fruit at the street market.

TAG QUESTION Presente simples Paul likes coffee, doesn’t he?

Paul doesn’t like coffee, does he?

Passado simples You wrote the letter, didn’t you?

You didn’t write the letter, did you?

Futuro simples The Browns will travel, won’t they?

The Browns will travel, will they?

Presente continuo Karen is working, isn’t she?

Karen is working, is she?

Passado continuo They were playing weren’t they?

They weren’t playing were they?

Futuro contíonuo You will be traveling tomorrow, won’t


You won’t be traveling tomorrow,

Won’t you?

Presente perfeito Lucy has arrived, hasn’t she?

Lucy hasn’t arrived, has she?

Passado perfeito The Smilths had called, hadn’t they?

The Smilths hadn’t called, had they?

Anômalos You can help me, can’t you?

You can’t help me, can you?


I am late today, aren’t l?

She may come late, may she not?

Let’s dance, shall we?

Open the door, will you?

There are four students in classroom, aren’t there?


01) supply tag questions.

a) He is early, _________________________________

b) We must go now, ____________________________

c) I was very tired, _____________________________

d) They ought not to be here, _____________________

e) You can’t speak French, _______________________

f) they play tennis well, __________________________

g) He had been to Rio, ___________________________

h) They offered us some tea, ______________________

i) I am a little late today, _________________________

j) John always comes at five, ______________________

k) Let’s not be sentimental, _______________________

l) You won’t cry, _______________________________

m) Their question’s been answered, ________________

n) Bring those chairs to me, ______________________

Características do tag question: 1) É sempre formado por um verbo auxiliar e um pronome. 2) Quando a frase é negativa, o tag question é afirmativo. 3) Quando a frase é afirmativa, o tag question é negativo. 4) No tag question negativo o verbo auxiliar aparece sempre contraído com a forma not

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o) She was sleeping when you arrived, ______________

p) There were 20 apples in the basket, ______________

q) Let’s give John a book for his birthday, ___________

r) Jane saw you at the party, ______________________

s) Come here, _________________________________

t) I am not right, _______________________________



Ao passarmos uma sentença da voz ativa para a passiva :

1) O sujeito da voz ativa passa a ser o agente da passiva (

precedido de by).

2) O objeto da voz ativa passa a ser o sujeito da voz passiva.

3) Introduzimos o verbo to be no mesmo tempo verbal do

verbo principal da voz ativa.

4) O verbo principal da voz ativa passa para o participio

passado na voz passiva.


He made the house. (voz ativa)

The house was made by him. ( voz passiva)


1) Quando o sujeito da voz ativa estiver indeterminado ( they,

someone, people, one), nao se coloca o agente da passiva nem


Someone has closed the door. ( voz ativa)

The door has been closed. (voz passiva)

2) A sentença que na voz ativa tiver um objeto direto e um

indireto pode ser transformada de duas maneiras:

a) o objeto indireto da voz ativa torna-se sujeito da voz


b) o objeto da voz ativa torna-se sujeito da voz passiva.

He gave a present to her.

a) She was given a present by him.

b) A present was given to her by him.

Causative Form


I had my house painted.

Uso: para dizer que alguém fez algo por você.

Voz ativa: I painted my house. ( Eu mesma pintei a casa)

Voz passiva: I had my house painted. ( Alguém pintou a casa

para mim.)

Voz ativa Voz passiva

Simple Present

He does the exercises

am/ is/ are + past participe

The exercises are done.

Simple Past

He did the exescises.

was/ were+ past participle

The exercises were done.

Present Progressive

He is doing the exercises.

am/is/are being + past participle

The exercises are being done.

Past Progressive

He was doing the exercises.

was/were being + past participle

The exercises were being done.

Present Perfect

He has done the exercises.

have/has been + past participle

The exercises have been done.

Past Perfect

He had done the exercises.

had been + past participle

The exercises had been done.

Future with going to

He is going to do the


am/is/ are going to be+ past


The exercises are going to be


Future with will

He will do the exercises.

will be + past participle

The exercises will be done.

Future Perfect

He will have done the


will have been + past participle

The exercises will have been


Future Progressive

He will be doing the


will be being + past participle

The exercises will be being done.

Modal Verbs

He can do the exercises.

can/ could/ may… be+ past


The exercises can be done.

Modal Perfect

He can have done the


can/ could/ may… have been +

past participle

The exercises can have been


Uso : para enfatizar a ação.

They will carch the tiger. Verbo to have ou get + particípio passado

The tiger will be caught.

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01) Rewrute the senteses in the passive voice with the correct

form of the verbs.

a) They are preparing the meal.

The meal _______________________________________

b) People always admire this picture.

This picture __________________ always ____________

c) He hurt his leg in an accident.

His leg _________________ in an accident.

d) Someone has invited you to lunch tomorrow.

You _________________ to lunch tomorrow.

e) We will discuss the matter tomorrow.

The matter _____________ by us tomorrow.

02) Put the sentences into the passive voice.

a) Beethoven composed this piece.

b) The girls had answered all the questions when I arrived.

c) We have written two letters since this morning.

d) They are building a new airport there.

03) Put the sentences into the passive voice.

a) Someone took my pen from the table.

b) They will build a new hospetal here.

c) People should preserve nature.

d) Somebody is painting that house.

e) They closed the roads last night.

04) Supply the correct form of the verbs in the passive voice.

a) Jonathan raises cows and pigs.

Cows and pigs __________________ by Jonathan.

b) Janice received two letters yesterday.

Two letters __________________ by Janice yesterday.

c) Mr. Hill will explain the Greek mythology.

The Greek mythology _____________ by Mr. Hill.

d) They are showing the pictures.

They pictures _______________ by them.

e) Bob Was studying the Laws of Mendel.

The Laws of Mendel _________________ by Bob.

05) Put these sentences into the passive voice.

a) We followed the leader.

b) The children have lost your keys.

c) That man built the new doghouse.

d) Max had corrected all l the tests.

e) Justice punishes crimes.

f) My brother spent all my money.

g) The girls would accept your invitation.

h) He is showing the pictures.

i) They will climb that mountain.

j) We heard a beautiful song.


Reported speech é usado para relatar aquilo

que alguma pessoa falou, não utilixando necessariamente suas


Observe os exemplos:

Fred said, “ I work on Saturdays”. → Direct speech

(discurso direto)

fred said that he worked on Saturdays → Reported speech

(discurso indireto)

Como podemos observar, somos obrigados

a modificar os tempos verbais e, às vezes, os advérbios de

tempo. Veja outros exemplos no quadro a seguir:

Verbo Advérbio




Speech speech





She said, “l have to

study today” she

said that she had to

study that day.

Simple Simple

Present past

Today that


Jack said, “I

worked 5 hours

yesterday”. Jack

said that he had

worked 5 hours the

day before.

Simple Past

Past perfect

Yesterday the



Bill said, “ I will

travel tomorrow”.




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Bill said that he

would travel the

next day.





They said, “We are

working now”

They said that they

were working then.







He said, “Jane was

reading 5 minutes

ago”. He said that

Jane had been

reading 5 minutes



Past Perfect


… ago


I said, “ I will be

traveling next

week”. I said that l

would be traveling

the following week.





Nest… the


Jim said “ I have

lived here since last

year”. Jim said that

he had lived there

since the year


Present Past





Here there

Alice said, “I witt

have finishe my

work the day after

tomorrow”. Alice

said that she would

have finished her

work two days






The day







1) Quando o verbo da oração introdutória estiver no presente

simples, no presente perfeito ou no futuro simples, nao haverá

mudanças nos tempos verbais do reported speech.

• não houver objetivo indireto; • houver objeto indireto precedido de to.

She says, “ I am tired” They will say, “We are late”

She says(that) she is tired They will say(that) they are


2) Interrogativas

a) Iniciadas por palavras interrogatives ( who, whose, wich.


• o verbo say passa para ask;

• a frase passa para a forma afirmativa;

• não se usa that.

He said, “Where is she going?

asked where is she going.

He said to me, “ What do you want?

He asked me what I wanted.

b) Não iniciadas por palavras interrogativas:

• o verbo say passa para ask;

• a frase passa a forma afirmativa;

• introduz-se if.

He said, “Will they help you?”

He said, “Is anyone there?”

He asked if they would help me.

He asked if anyone was there.

3) Imperativo

Ao passarmos uma sentença no imperativo do direct para o

indirect speech:

• o verbo say muda para tell, ask, order etc.;

• o imperativo passa para infinitivo com to;

• o imperativo negativo passa para not + infinitivo com to;

• a pessoa a quem a ordem é dada vem logo após o verbo


He said, “Close the window, Tom”.

He asked Tom to close the window.

She said, “Don’t open the door”

She told me not to open the door.

4) Say e tell

a) Say é usado quando:

John said that he was late.

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Jonh said to Mary, “ Let’s dance.”

b) Tell é usado quando houver objeto indireto nao precedido

de to.

Jonh told Mary that he was late.


01) change the following sentences from direct to indirect


a) I asked the man, “ How much does it cost?”

b) Mary said to me, “ Are you going to eat in the restaurant?”

c) He said, “What time is it?”

d) He said, “Have you seen him anywhere?”

e) I said to Jane, “Where are you going?”

02) Change the following sentences from direct to indirect


a) John said to me, “Wait for me”.

b) He told me, “Thy to come on time.”

c) The teacher said to me, “Don’t talk so much.”

d) She told her husband, “Bring some bread.”

e) I said to him, “Don’t go by bus?”.

03) Supply say or tell in the simple past.

a) Peter _______________Jane that he loved her.

b) He ______________ me to help them.

c) He _______________ , “Where is Linda?”

d) Patty ______________ to us, “Don’t interrupt me”.

e)The people ___________ that the lecture was very


04) Choose the correct alternative.

A) Mother to her son “Play with your toys, but don’t break

them” in the reported speech becomes:

a) The mother told her son to play with his toys, but not to

break them.

b) The mother told her son to played with his toys, but didn’t

break them.

c) The mother told to her son to play with your toys, but don’t

break them.

d) The mother told her son to played with your toys, but don’t

break them.

B) The direct speech of the sentence “ Jane asked Paul whether

he wanted to go to the matinee too” is:

a) Jane to Paul, “I have never gone to the matinee too.”

b) Jane to Paul, “Where are you going today?”

c) Jane to Paul, “Do you want to go to the matinee, too?”

d) Jane to Paul, “When are you going to the matinee?”

C)The teacher said, “Most students will succeed in their


a) The teacher answered that most students succeed in their


b) The teacher told that most students succeed in their


c) The teacher said that most students would succeed in their


d) The teacher says that most students will succeed in their


D) “Have you bought a house? Will you marry Peter?”, he


a) He asked me if l would buy a house and if l would marry


b) He asked me if l have bought a house and if l would marry


c) He asked me if had bougt a house and if l would marry


d) He asked me if l had bougth a house and if will marry Peter.

E) He said, “ When did you arrive?”

a) He asked me when l had arrived.

b) He asked me when l did arrived.

c) He said me when l had arrived.

d) He asked me when l have arrived.

F) The movies is ____________ good, but it’s _______ late to

go now.

a) very – very b) too – very

c) very – too d) too – too

G) Escolha a alternativa correta que tenha o mesmo

significado da frase: “ I had my shoes claned.”

a) I had clened my shoes.

b) I cleaned my shoes.

c) I asked someone to clean my shoes for me.

d) I asked someone to clean me.

H) Mary said, “ I have been writing this article since last


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a) Mary said that she has been written that article sonce last


b) Mary said that she was writing that article since the week

before the last .”

c) Mary said that she had been writing that article since the

week before.

d) Mary said that l have been writing this article since last


l) We have shared ____________ happy moments together.

a) a lot b)much c) any d) many

J) Don’t put too ____________sugar in my coffee.

a) more b) much c) few d) many

05) Change the following sentences from direct to indirect


a) He asked me. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

b) Mother said, “ I’ve just finished your dinner.”

c) She said to me, “ Can you hear a noise?”

d) He said, “ I’ll be here at noon.”

e) She said to me, “How do you know that?”

f) The man said, “The telephone is out of order.”

g) Mary said to John, “I cannot go to the movies with you.”

h) She said to me, “Drive slowly.”

i) Peter said, “I have convinced her.”

j) She said, “ The lights have gone out.”

06) Put these sentences into the Indirect Speech. Introduce

them using told in sentences 1 to 4 and He said in sentences 5

to 8.

1) John said to Mary, “ I hate you”.

2) I said to the porter, “ I am Mr. Spencer.”

3) He said to Jone, “ I am always here on Fridays.”

4) I said to the boy, “ Leave the room now.”

5) “I must go to the library before it closes.”

6) “Nobody could paint a picture as well as you.”

7) “You should leave the contry at once.”

8) “You ought to visit her tomorrow.”

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.